4 thought on “Virtual Reality In The Time of Pandemic (Hockney)”
Hey its lovely, I like the black and white version best. Although the ping pong ball eyes are pretty extraordinary in the coloured version. Thanks Cliff.
Thanks Steph. The black line versions have reach a point where I can produce them fluidly, still working on technique for coloured ones so I find judgments difficult. Love the clear hollow face illusion in the black line ones. The ping pong eyes came about because I so clearly remember him wearing those round glasses and how they made his eyes look 🙂
I really like these Cliff. There’s something balletic about the movement – and it reminds me of classical composer busts around so much when I was a child – but floating in virtual 3D.
Hey its lovely, I like the black and white version best. Although the ping pong ball eyes are pretty extraordinary in the coloured version. Thanks Cliff.
Thanks Steph. The black line versions have reach a point where I can produce them fluidly, still working on technique for coloured ones so I find judgments difficult. Love the clear hollow face illusion in the black line ones. The ping pong eyes came about because I so clearly remember him wearing those round glasses and how they made his eyes look 🙂
I really like these Cliff. There’s something balletic about the movement – and it reminds me of classical composer busts around so much when I was a child – but floating in virtual 3D.
I liked the idea of presence and absence at the same time in the b/w moving image.